Bikram Yoga Health Benefits and Risks You Must Consider

Bikram is now increasingly popular as a hotter type of yoga. It is done in a room with unusual setting in terms of temperature and humidity. Since it was developed by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, bikram yoga health benefits and risks have been an interesting topic to discuss. The temperature usually ranges from 90o to 105oF or even higher, while the humidity ranges from 40 to 60 percent. Each session usually lasts up to 90 minutes, during which you are required to move in various inter-linked flowing poses.

Bikram Yoga Health Benefits and Risks

Bikram Yoga Health Benefits and Risks: Thinks to Prepare

Bikram yoga health benefits and risks must be considered carefully before you decide to it. You may have to undergo a series of examinations before doing the exercise. They include checking of cardio, heart rate, flexibility, body fat, and blood pressure. Since it is conducted in a hot room, bikram yoga is certainly a grueling practice, even for young individuals. Therefore, you must be ready both physically and emotionally to do it.

Benefits of bikram yoga

In normative way, yoga is beneficial for both physical and mental health. It enhances flexibility, mental clarity, strength, and concentration. It eliminates toxins out of your body, and helps in weight loss. Those with back and neck problems are recommended to take yoga, as it can ease the problems. So, what about the benefits of bikram yoga – the hotter version of yoga?

Actually, few published documents report the specific benefits of hot yoga, let alone comparing its benefits to those of other versions. The few reports note that Bikram yoga has the following benefits:
  • Increasing mindfulness as well as lowering stress
  • Improving flexibility and balance; it is because you do the exercises in a hot room, in which your muscles are stretched optimally and your body warms up better.
  • Helping in flushing toxins out of your body; this benefits is attributable to the sweating process, which help in detoxification process. Actually, further investigation is required to confirm this.

Risks of bikram yoga

Apart from the bikram yoga health benefits, this hot version of yoga also brings more risks, particularly for beginners. First of all, the hot temperature can make your muscles overstretched and prone to injury. Therefore, preparation is a crucial step before the main exercises. The following are some potential risks of bikram yoga, when it is not prepared and done properly:
  • Dehydration and hyperthermia, due to the extreme heat under which yoga is done. These two effects  may lead to dizziness, fainting, nausea, and even muscle cramping
  • Increased risk for injury, because of overstretching
  • Hyponatremia, which may happen when you drink too much after the exercise while your body lacks of electrolytes
In conclusion, make sure you carefully consider the health benefits and risks before taking the class. There are some important tips, which may help you, such as undergoing overall health examination, drinking much water to minimize the risks of dehydration, and wearing form-fitting and breathing clothes before the session.

Furthermore, those who have certain health problems, such as high blood pressure and heart disease can only take the exercise after getting doctor’s permission. Pregnant women had better stay away from it. Those are bikram yoga health benefits and risks. Are you ready to endure the heat and feel the sensation?

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Related : Bikram Yoga Health Benefits and Risks You Must Consider

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