Mango Fruit as Medicine

Mango (Mangifera indica L.), was first recorded, originally from India and have been known to the local community since 4000 years ago. Found in the historical record that Alexander the Great was a stranger who first saw the mango plantations in the Indus Valley in the year 327 BC. Manga, so the first people to call it, comes from the Malayalam (South India). Latin name mango is Mangifera indica, which means "fruitful mango tree". Actually mango is also found in Southeast Asia, Australia and Central America.

Mango Fruit as Medicine - Alesha Tips Not only delicious to eat, mangos are healthy. In one mango, contains an average of 105% percent of calories, 76% vitamin C, 25% vitamin A, 11% vitamin B6, 9% prebiotic fiber, 9% copper, 7% potassium, and 4% magnesium. The content of vitamin A and flavonoids contained quite high in mango, helps maintain eye health. Vitamin A can prevent the eye from blindness and dry eyes. The content of malic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid in mango help maintain the availability of alkali in tubuh.Selain that mangoes can help keep your skin look so beautiful and healthy. This is because the mango fruit contains compounds that clean the pores and remove acne that grows on the skin.

Here are the benefits of mango as a drug:

  1. Prevent Cancer
    Research suggests antioxidant compounds in mangoes protect the body against the risk of colon cancer, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Compounds in mangoes which play a role in preventing cancer quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat.
  2. Lowering Cholesterol
    Tinnginya fiber, pectin and vitamin C in mango help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Brighten Skin
    Compounds in mango are able to clean your pores and remove acne on the skin. Can be used both internally and externally to the skin.
  4. Healthy Eyes
    A cup of mango supplies 25 percent of the daily value of vitamin A as needed. Therefore, consumption of mango both for clarity of vision and prevent dry eyes.
  5. Meet the Needs of Alkali
    Tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid in these fruits helps keep the body's alkaline reserve.
  6. Normalize Insulin Levels
    Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so it's pretty harmless to mengkosumsi mango sugar levels.
  7. Boosting Performance Sex
    Mangoes are rich in vitamin E. Despite popular relationship between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by generalizing the study in mice, further research showed intake of mangoes can help increase sex drive.
  8. Improve Digestion
    The fiber in the mango also help smooth digestion and secretion products of digestion.
  9. In Heat Treating
    The heat of the sun can cause muscle fatigue and diuretic problems. "Heat waves" caused kidney suffered in neutralizing toxic overload. At times like these cooling the body by consuming mango juice highly recommended.
  10. Immune Boost
    The amount of vitamin C and vitamin A sufficient, plus 25 types of carotenoids in mango helps keep your immune system healthy and strong.

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