Food for the Increase Female Fertility

The fertility rate of women and men turned out to be related to food consumption. Even if one spouse does not pay attention to what he consumes pregnancy will undoubtedly be difficult to obtain. Healthy diet to increase fertility, especially women, consume at least the following:

Food For The Increase Female Fertility - Tips Beautiful and Healthy

1. Consumption of Milk, Yoghurt and Cheese
Women who want to get pregnant should consume adequate amounts of calcium. Calcium, in addition to a role in infant bone growth, also play a role to help increase fertility and help the system work more efiesien reproduction. Calcium source we can get from fat-rich dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. In pregnant women, calcium must be met around 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, equivalent to 8 ounce glasses of milk.

2. Consumption of Complex Carbohydrates
If you want to get pregnant and do not want the weight to be stretched, it is best to consume pregnant fast is to eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains. As already known that nuts and seeds are digested more slowly in the body, which may help regulate insulin levels and increases ovulation. These foods also contain Omega 3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids have a direct effect on hormone levels.

3. Expand eat Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the main source of nutrients that must be consumed in order to get a healthy body, not just for women who want to conceive, but also beneficial for anyone. Since these vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients it is also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that help eliminate free radicals. Choose fruits and vegetables that are bright because there are a lot more nutrients. In addition to all of the antioxidants found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, this vegetable is also rich in iron. Iron is very important to maintain a balanced menstrual cycle. Many iron-deficient women tend to have irregular periods. When women experience a disruption in their menstrual cycle, the tendency for women to be hard to come by. If you do not like vegetables, try from now on to include vegetables in your daily diet, thus increasing iron levels are optimal. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits will also make the organ involved and this is one of the fresh foods that have been proven fertilizer content.

4. Consumption of Meat
Meat is important for women who want to conceive, because the meat has high protein and iron. Research shows that women can suffer from iron deficiency infertility than those who need adequate iron.

5. Chicken Eggs
Protein and choline in eggs is great for improving reproduction. Choline intake is needed before and during pregnancy because it increases the body's ability to absorb folic acid. The benefits of folic acid is very important during this stage of pregnancy. Consumption enough folic acid during pregnancy can prevent neural birth defects such as spina bifida.

6. Consumption of Olive Oil
Olive oil contains Omega-3 is very high. Research shows that Omega 3 can actually improve the quality of sperm and egg cells, so that it becomes an important part of the diet fertility for men and women who are trying to conceive.

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