Apple, Good For Health

Who does not know an apple? One type of fruit that is fairly easy to find. Did you know that in addition to rich in fiber which is good for digestion, apples also have a myriad of other benefits. Research shows that eating one apple alone, we've got a lot of nutrients needed by the body.

Apple, Good For Health - Tips Beautiful and Healthy

Apples are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tannins, Beron, tartar acid, and others. The content contained in apples is very substances that the body needs to prevent and combat various diseases. Here are some health benefits of apples for them:

Lose Weight
Apples are rich in fiber, making it an excellent food consumed when you are on a diet. A study in Brazil showed that women who ate at least one apple every day for a diet will lose weight faster, compared with those who did not eat apples. It is caused by a number of fiber contained in apples, thereby preventing hunger more quickly. Eating an apple will support the success of your healthy diet.

Preventing Asthma
A consumption showed that a child who consumed apples regularly have a lower risk of respiratory problems, compared to children who ate apples once a month. Other studies have also shown that children born to a mother who likes to eat apples every day during pregnancy had a lower risk of asthma compared with children born to mothers who did not eat apples.

Prevent Breast Cancer
Research conducted by Cornell University showed that in experiments on mice, see that rats who ate one apple a day times a day had a risk of breast cancer was lower by 17%, compared to mice that did not eat apples. While the mice who consumed the apple 3 times a day have a lower risk of 39%. Although the study was tested on mice, but the same thing is believed to humans.

Prevent Colon Cancer
In a study of mice was also seen that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43% lower risk of developing cancer digestive tract. According to the study, the actual pectin in apples reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer function and keep it healthy.

Preventing Lung Cancer
Based on research conducted on 10,000 people, found that those who ate the results with the quantity of apples has at most a 50% lower risk of developing lung cancer. The researchers observed that flavenoid and quercetin content contained in apellah a role in preventing lung cancer.

Preventing Alzheimer
Apples contain quercetin, a substance which, according to the study serves to protect the brain from harmful free radicals and lead to Alzheimer disease.

Controlling Blood Sugar
The content of pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid will be lower body needs to release the hormone insulin. The hormone insulin is the hormone itself cause diabetes when production is too high. Therefore, it is best to eat apples for their talent genetically diabetes.

Lowering Cholesterol
Someone who ate at least two apples a day items will lower bad cholesterol in their body up as much as 16%. This is due to the fiber content of an apple held very high. The fibers will bind fats and cholesterol in the body for later disposal.

Protect Bones
A study in France showed that the flavonoid called phloridzin in apple beneficial to protect postmenopausal women from bone problems, and to increase bone mass. Other content in apples called boron was also able to strengthen bones. Apples are rich in minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, protasium, and zinc, which is very good bone health laneways.

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