How to Eliminate Acne

How to Eliminate Acne - Look Beautiful and Healthy How to Eliminate Acne - Acne is not only attacking the face, but also in other parts of the body, especially the back and upper arms. The presence of acne can interfere with performance and makes you less confident when it comes to wearing backless or sleeveless. Make the body look not as clean as small lumps of red, not to mention acne scars blackened.

Acne on the body is not the same as a face. You need to pay attention to the ritual bath, the use of fashion to diet. Here's some tips to overcome the acne on the body, as reported Ourvanity.

1. Clean showers
Bathing twice a day in the right way. Rubbing the body including the armpits, folds of the legs, arms to the rear. Choose a soap that contains glycolic acid or specifically for acne prone skin. Avoid soap or lotion that high levels of perfume. Baby shower with soap can help reduce skin irritation causes acne worse.

2. Wear comfortable clothing
Choose clothes made from comfortable, easy to absorb perspiration and allows the skin to breathe. Clothes that are too tight will be difficult for the skin to breathe and cause acne-causing bacteria and odor flourish. Clothes made of cotton, spandex or jersey suitable for acne prone skin.

3. Shower immediately after sweating or Sports
After the gym, sports or activities that emit lots of sweat, it is advisable to immediately cleaned up. Acne is often easily appear on the body as moist as excessive sweating. If you can not take a bath, always provide wet tisue. At least enough to clear acne prone parts of the body.

4. Benzoyl Peroxide
To reduce the growth of acne, could use a cream / gel / spray containing benzoyl peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy. Apply only on the acne alone. Please note if your skin tends to be sensitive because of the potential to cause irritation or allergy. Try it first in a little part of the body. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.

5. Natural Ways
If your skin is sensitive, make potions 'anti-acne' own. Combine 1 teaspoon of olive oil and almond oil calandula. Add two tetep tea tree oil and 1 drop of chamomile oil. Mix well and apply on the problematic part every day.

6. Exfoliation
Exfoliation is necessary to get rid of dead skin cells that covers acne, making it easier to treat acne. Use a gentle scrub with the grain, making sure no skin irritation. Do not forget to use lotion after every exfoliation. Do it once a week.

7. Balanced Diet
Treatment of acne should also be done from the inside. Increase consumption of foods rich in antioxidants (fruits are red, green and purple), Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, olive oil, nuts) and multiply drinking water for the detoxification process.

8. Kill acne using saliva
Unknowingly saliva can kill bacteria that cause acne on the face. Perhaps many do not believe in it atu also feel disgusted use. In the human saliva contained a substance that can kill any kind of bacteria, and therefore when the wound in the man's mouth bleeding usually occurs only a few minutes, and then in one day has been instantly healed wounds because saliva exposed continuously. Some types of certain animals typically use their saliva to treat wounds on their bodies. How to use saliva as a cure for acne is simply by applying a little saliva us directly to the pimple. I often do this, when a pimple arise then I quickly put my saliva to the growing acne, the results were only 2-3 days later the acne is not to deflate and remove the pus like most people.

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