Tips to Overcome Oily Hair

Got a quick greasy hair sucks, because inevitably you have to be diligent in cleaning by shampooing every day. Otherwise the hair will look flat and dirty. Well here are 6 tips for faster hair is not greasy.

Tips To Overcome Oily Hair - Look Beautiful and Healthy
1. Special Shampoo Oily Hair
Use a mild shampoo specifically formulated for oily hair.
You also get to choose a shampoo that is labeled 'clarifying'. Clarifying shampoo is a shampoo for colored hairs. Its function is to reinforce the color and eliminate harmful chemicals left behind when painting hair. Not only can eliminate harmful chemicals, clarifying shampoo can make your hair oil free.

2. Shampoo Twice
To be perfectly lifted excess oil, hair rinse twice and do not immediately rinse shampoo. Give a light massage into scalp and wait about 30 seconds before rinsing. This method gives more foam and can remove excess oil. Then rinse, then apply shampoo again and repeat the earlier stages. Rinsing hair twice can make the scalp and hair really clean.

3. Washing Hair Every Day, But Not Taxable Scalp
If the oil condition is too severe, you can wash your hair every day. But focus on the hair and not washing the scalp, as if focused on the scalp, it can make the scalp dry. When making the hair dry scalp itch so that you become a frequent scratch, as the hair continues to scrape the oil causes hair turned out.

4. Use Only The Tip Of Hair Conditioner
Avoid membalurkan conditioner on the hair. It can make the scalp more oily. Use at the ends of the hair only.

5. Wash Hair with Baking Soda
The benefits of baking soda is clearing excess oil on the hair. Not only that, baking soda also keep the pH in the scalp, thus avoiding hair from dandruff. Baking soda is safe to use, as its contents did not make the natural oils in the hair is lost. It will make the hair becomes soft and excess oil on the hair will be lifted. The trick, mix a cup of baking soda to a quart of water, store it in a bottle and shake the mixture of baking soda before use. When the hair was wet, you can apply a mixture of baking soda, then massage the hair and let sit for 15 minutes.

6. Greasy Hair Solutions Current Emergency
At no time shampooing but very limp hair, you can set the hair to cover the excess hair oil. How to braid hair or mencepol. Lucky, braid hairstyle is becoming a trend. Plus, you can look stylish when hair is in trouble. Another way is to replace the parts of the hair. If you are splitting hairs usually on the right side, change the position to the left hemisphere. In this simple way to show the hair cleaner and volume. Do not stop there, you can wet and gives shampoo only on the fringe only. So the hair oil can be camouflaged with the front hair clean.

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