The Dukan Diet Review

Just as its name implies, dukan diet is originated from its founder, Pierre Dukan, a French who once confronted with obesity. It has gained its popularity since the international diva, Jennifer Lopez and supermodel Giselle Bundchen some pounds post-pregnancy with this diet plan. Now it has its own admirers and the book has sold worldwide.

The Dukan Diet Review

The four stages of Dukan Diet

Dukan diet divided its stages into four, in which two of them are purposed to reach the ideal weight, while the other two are designed to maintain the progress, or to prevent the fat from coming back.
  • The Attack Stage
    The “Attack” phase is designed to help you rapidly lose 2 to 3 kilograms of weight in just less than a week. The main idea is to make you consume what is called as “pure protein”, which is any diet that contains high-protein (approximately there are 68 kind of foods), that is combined with 1.5-litre of water consumption.
  • The Cruise Phase
    The next stage after “Attack” in Dukan diet is “Cruise” phase, which is purposed to achieve the target weight. This phase can be done by combining the diet in the “Attack” phase with 28 specific vegetables, which can serve you 1-kilogram of weight loss per week, until you reach your ideal weight.
  • The Consolidation Phase
    Since your body is most likely to have tendency to regain weight you’ve lost in the two prior processes, this phase is created to help you prevent any weight gain in the future, you can “back” to consume fruit, bread, or other starchy foods for your normal diet in limited quantity.
  • The Stabilization Phase
    This is the phase that determines the fate of your life. It is designed after you learned the healthy eating habit from the prior stages, and you have to follow the pattern that you’ve developed.
The idea of dukan diet is to start a new diet pattern with very low-fat and low-carb foods, and make you used to that new pattern, so you will be able to maintain your “true weight”. However, there are some disputes regarding this diet that said there are some problems with the very low-carb and low-fat diet.

The Benefits and Losses of Dukan Diet

The good thing of following the diet program of dukan diet is that it offers a long consolidation phase to reset every eating habit you have before. Since many people give up short after they start, this diet is planned to reset your preference since it requires strong consistency and determination. The stages are designed to maintain your true weight, and once you are used to the pattern, it will easier for you to follow the stabilization phase – the easiest but most important phase – and change your eating habit overall.

While some people argue that the “Attack” phase, which only allow pure protein to be consumed, is a high concern since the body doesn’t get adequate nutrition from vegetables or fruit. For some, Dukan diet offers very useful long-term diet effects and helpful change the bad eating habit. If you are uncertain about the program, you can always ask for the doctor’s suggestion. Just try it for some time, and if you don’t feel the different, then you can leave it behind.

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