Healthy Diet Tips

Healthy diet tips - Tips Beautiful and Healthy How to lose weight with a set menu for the diet. Why diet menu should be set? Because if it is not set, the origin of the diet with only eating less will actually make the intake of nutrients in your body is reduced, not slim you actually get sick in the future. Below we will discuss about the food intake should be reduced and supplemented in your diet.

Seven food intake should be reduced:

  1. Salt,
    Reduce salt intake. We recommend that salt intake is less than 2,300 milligrams per day. Salt intake also needs to be reduced for those aged over 51 years, with 1,500 milligrams per day limit.
  2. Calorie,
    Reduce consumption of calories from saturated fatty acids. Only the consumption of saturated fatty acids of less than 10 percent per day. Should multiply the consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Fat,
    Reduce fat intake. Make sure you mengasup fat less than 300 milligrams per day. Limit consumption of red meat. Saturated fats are not good for your health can be obtained from fish (especially tuna and salmon), avocados, olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil, apricot seeds, or sunflower oil.
  4. Trans fatty acids,
    Ensure a low intake of trans fatty acids every day. French fries, for example, contain trans fatty acids.
  5. Sugar,
    Reduce the intake of calories from sugar. Limit your intake of sugar 3-5 tablespoons per day.
  6. Tucker,
    Limit consumption of eating food with a high sugar content.
  7. Alcohol,
    Limit alcohol intake as well. Limit alcohol consumption once per day for women or two per day for men.

Eight nutrients need to be added:

  1. Ensure adequate calories,
    Varied food intake, but make sure it is not excessive calories.
  2. Vegetables and fruit,
    Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, types and colors. Prioritizing eating green vegetables, red, and orange, add the fruit and nuts.
  3. Nuts,
    Consumption of at least half a serving of a variety of grains. Enter the intake of nuts in the daily diet.
  4. Low-fat milk,
    Increase intake of low-or fat-free milk and dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and soy milk.
  5. Protein foods,
    Vary the intake of protein foods, such as seafood, lean meats (such as chicken breast piece with a low fat content), poultry, eggs, legumes, soy products, and nuts.
  6. Seafood,
    Choose seafood rather than meat in the daily intake.
  7. Low-fat protein,
    Choose foods with low-fat protein content and low in calories.
  8. Vegetable oil,
    For cooking, choose vegetable oils to reduce saturated fat intake in the diet
That's intake of foods that need to be added at once reduced in your diet. In addition to the set menu diet, it would be optimal if you are diligent exercise routine. Surely, you will look more beautiful and healthy with these tips. Good luck.

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