Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli has long been known as one of the vegetables that are healthy because the nutrients in it. Vegetables not only contain antioxidants including vitamin C, broccoli is also a natural source of folic acid. The content of folic acid to help prevent heart disease. Green vegetables and also potentially protect against the development of cancer.

The results of the research journal Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology claim, broccoli effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Chemicals contained sulforaphane in broccoli, according to researchers, serves to strengthen the immune system to prevent clogged arteries.

Benefits of Broccoli - Look Beautiful and Healthy
Other crops such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and pak choi also contain this chemical. But of the whole vegetable, broccoli has the highest levels.

The workings of sulforaphane, according to researchers, who shaped curved arteries more susceptible to disease because of a lack of protein known as Nrf2. While the straight arteries, further research, protected protein. This protection will prevent the cells become inflamed, an early indication of the development of heart disease.

The findings of researchers at John Hopkins University revealed that there is a compound in broccoli that can prevent the development of tumors by 60 percent. Broccoli also showed a reduction in tumor size does not grow up to 75 percent.

Substances contained in broccoli is also useful as an antioxidant. While fiber is beneficial to prevent constipation / constipation and other digestive disorder.

As quoted from the female first, broccoli is one of the foods that are full of nutrients, but it has a low calorie, other than that, this vegetable is also often a healthy plihan for those who want to lose weight.

Benefits of broccoli:

  1. Improve brain power
    Researchers from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of proving that broccoli contains compounds similar to Alzheimer's disease drugs. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) is the most common among the elderly are caused by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Broccoli is considered to have anti-acetylcholinesterase strongest.
  2. Regulate blood sugar levels
    The content of chromium in broccoli can regulate blood sugar levels so that broccoli consumption is recommended for diabetics.
  3. Neutralize cancer-causing substances
    Sulforaphan, antioxidants in broccoli may help the body eliminate or neutralize carcinogens, cancer-causing substances. Please also note that bekarotin substance in broccoli can prevent colon cancer and breast cancer. lung cancer, stomach cancer, uterine cancer, mouth cancer, larynx cancer and cancer of the larynx.
Other benefits of broccoli for the body:
  1. Reduce the risk of stroke and heart disorders
  2. Decrease the incidence of cancer of the esophagus (esophageal)
  3. Capable of destroying cell growth - cancer cells effectively (anti-cancer)
  4. Appropriate antioxidants for the body
  5. Able to maintain a state of balance in the large intestine (colon)
  6. Cure anemia
  7. Reduce the risk of cataracts
  8. Maintain bone density and prevent birth defects in babies.
The content of broccoli's beneficial:
  • Carotenoids
  • Sulforaphane
  • Pro Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
Besides can be eaten raw, broccoli can be processed into a variety of delicious dishes. As with other vegetables, broccoli is rich in provitamin A / carotenoids, folic acid and vitamin C. Cook briefly so that vitamins are not damaged and the color is still attractive. Order but fresh green broccoli, boiled in boiling water that has been added with 1/2 teaspoon salt.

In addition to vitamins, broccoli also contains a variety of essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, potassium, iron and selenium. Other substances contained in broccoli is sulfur in the form of glucosinolates, compounds antidote, monoterpene and genestein. Flvonoid and fiber contained also enrich the nutrient content of broccoli. The content of vitamin C in broccoli more numerous than the orange? Calcium content of broccoli is also larger than a glass of milk, and broccoli are also known to contain more fiber than a slice of whole wheat bread!

Additionally did you know that it is very easy to consume way, can be eaten raw, fried, mixed as an ingredient soup or steamed vegetables.

Tips on choosing a good broccoli:
1. Do not choose broccoli that has been colored yellow or already visible wilting
2. choose broccoli are still green and fresh

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