Benefits of Food Combining for Healthier Body

Will discuss about the benefits of food combining for a healthier body. Did you know? That combine several types of food it can support several specific benefits for the health of the body. Experts often refer to these terms or combine food combining diet. May sound strange to you for the first time to hear it. But, food combining is really beneficial for you to do it.

Benefits of Food Combining for Healthier Body - Look Beautiful and Healthy

Here are some of the benefits of food combining:

Keeping the function of organs in the body with tomatoes and olive oil. Tomatoes contain vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene. Olive oil contains antioxidants that does not lose large amounts. When both are combined, it can reduce the risk of cataracts, osteoporosis, cancer, prevent premature aging, increase good cholesterol (HDL), strengthens the function of the heart, purifies the blood, dissolve gallstones, increased liver function in synthesizing proteins, normalize blood pressure, and make the process of detoxification toxins in the body.

But they can also lose weight is by combining beans and green vegetables. Nuts contain a lot of protein and iron. While green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli or sprouts are loaded with fiber and vitamin C. Our bodies need to expend more energy than tripled to metabolize protein. As for vegetables, have a very low-calorie yet filling. So, taking this menu alloys can gradually lose weight. Iron in beans can also be absorbed by vitamin C from vegetables that are not water soluble.

Blend turmeric and salmon as preventive therapy or prevention of inflammation and inflammation is healing. The salmon fishing has low carbohydrate but high in protein, including omega-3 fatty acids. The combination of both to keep the nervous system from the effects of premature aging. Bad cholesterol will be countered with HDL cholesterol content in fish, thus preventing heart disease and cardiovascular problems. Moreover, combining the two is believed to inhibit the growth of tumors and cancer cells.

Accelerate wound healing with seeds and onions. Grains such as corn, brown rice, barley, and oats contains iron and zinc. Both of these substances are processed more quickly by the body by means of sulfur in onions. Iron will carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles via the blood. While zinc directly help the healing of wounds. If you want to maintain healthy skin, seeds can be combined with foods rich in vitamin C. Such as carrots, cabbage, peas, or squash.

Benefits to prevent cancer and diabetes with broccoli and mustard. Broccoli is known as the food was able to suppress the growth of cancer cells and are rich in vitamin C. Powerful antioxidants present in broccoli is sulforaphane. Antioxidants are apparently also has antidiabetic properties. It's just that these antioxidants can be absorbed more quickly, need help with an existing myrosinase in mustard. Useful addition to overcoming cancer and diabetes, the combination of both can fight harmful bacteria in the urinary tract, excretory system, digestive system, and large intestine.

Similarly, the benefits of food combining articles that you can practice at home, in order to maintain a healthy body. Hopefully useful.

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